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Conversations Dance

Conversations in Music: Dance


Pianist and Composer David Vincent Mills continues his concert series "Conversations" with special guest Los Angeles dancer/choreographer Hillary Moore, who will join the stage with him at the exciting new venue, Studio Live, home of the Sedona Performers Guild, on Friday May 15th, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. The second annual Sedona concert titled "Conversations in Music and Dance" will feature Mills improvising on grand piano while Moore performs interpretive dance.

Mills describes his songs as being based on what he calls "musical haiku" which are short musical phrases that are composed through improvisation during a performance. These phrases become themes for a particular performance and provide a vehicle for further exploration that trigger his improvisational skills.

This concert featured music that not only includes but extends beyond his extensive knowledge of Western music, in particular, Jazz and Classical. In addition, Mills tapped into alternative musical styles from around the world to intertwine all of these influences into pieces that are inspired from being in the moment, connecting with the audience, and this concert, by Moore's choreography.

Mills came to Sedona in 2006 from California to focus on creating his own sound. He has discovered what he calls "something of a musical prayer", and wanted to continue the conversation that started a year previous in his first solo piano concert of the "Conversations" series.

Dancer/choreographer Hillary Moore, a graduate of the dance program of California State University, Long Beach wove her magic into the show. She demonstrated her love of dance with almost 20 years of dance study consisting of Ballet, Modern and Jazz. 

Moore has worked with pianist/keyboardist David Vincent Mills at other venues and in groups such as Mighty Minstrels in Sedona for the last two years. Their friendship beginning in 2003 in Temecula, California was formed around their ability to intuitively improvise music and dance together. Mills' and Moore's intuitive link was tested once again with this collaboration of combining their forces and forming a dialog in this "conversation" through original improvised songs, inspired from Moore's choreography, by Mills, and Moore interpreting the music in her own unique way into dance in this intense and inspired concert session. 

CD and DVD release is slated for the future.

2008, May 15 - Conversations in Music: Solo Piano

2010, June 18 - Conversations in Music: Evolution

2011, June 30 - Conversations in Music: Dimensions

(TBA) - Conversations in Music: Roots